Saturday, 14 December 2024


Marschak were a five-piece screamo/post-hardcore band from Moscow, Russia that were active from approximately 2001 to 2009. They put out two albums, which vary fairly significantly in sound. Their self-titled is a raw and melancholic take on screamo, with desperately pained vocals, midtempo rhythms and washy guitar chords. Conversely, Relict is leaner and more technical, encroaching post-hardcore territory with its wiry, angular, syncopated guitars and shouted vocals, not to mention the inclusion of acoustic guitar segments. Both are solid releases, which one to start with is really based on your preferred cup of tea. I'm partial to the self-titled, if only for its bare viscera, but appreciate the experimental nature of Relict as well. Enjoy.

1. Мой Новый День
2. Апраксия
3. Gilles De Tourette Syndrome
4. Изолят
5. Меня Не Было Здесь
6. Разговор C Самим Собой
7. Не Быть Человеком
8. Октябрь, 23

1. Час Прощания
2. Левиафан
3. Обещание На Рассвете
4. Эра
5. Апологет
6. Нет Никаких Нас
7. Хуршеда
8. Гротеск
9. Бутафория


  1. by the way, they released a few weeks ago a new record, firstly since 2009. it's a cover on the early and mostly the first russian emo band called Kartonka (means "cardboard"), song named Gorod (City)!

    1. without the original vocalist too. and it's also an incredible song. very non marschak, very title fight ish, but a great song regardless
