Thursday 22 February 2024

Flight Mode

Flight Mode are a three-piece emo band from Oslo, Norway that have been around since 2021. They've released a succession of three EP's, all with names derived from times and places. Out the gate this band hits a nostalgic tinge, which is bolstered by the wistful music they make. Clean guitars noodle over these mid-tempo tracks, with an intentional, quivering vocals delivered with palatable vocal deliveries. It's carrying the torch that bands like Death Cab For Cutie and The Appleseed Cast did in the early 2000's, with nods to the midwest emo sound of the late 90's. Recently their three EP's were compiled and released all together by Tiny Engines, which is the essential here as their discography to date has been flawless. Enjoy.

1. Sixteen
2. Fossil Fuel
3. Animals
4. Go

1. Twentyfour
2. Blinks
3. Togerthness
4. Dö Yoü Rëmëmbër

1. Thirtysomething
2. Hyperventilate
3. Surprised At All
4. My Brothers & My Sister At The Funeral

1. Sixteen
2. Fossil Fuel
3. Animals
4. Go
5. Twentyfour
6. Blinks
7. Togerthness
8.  Dö Yoü Rëmëmbër
9. Thirtysomething
10. Hyperventilate
11. Surprised At All
12. My Brothers & My Sister At The Funeral


  1. The best band.....

  2. Have you listened to herlovebeheadsdaisies? They’re a 3-piece emoviolence band from San Antonio, TX. They broke up this year :,(

  3. I know this is sorta off topic, but do you think you could reupload Alex G albums since Zippyshare doesnt work anymore ;( ?

  4. Thanks very much! Really liking this band. x
