Jivebomb are a five-piece hardcore band from Baltimore, Maryland that formed in 2021. They put out a demo that same year, which was followed by their debut EP in 2022 via Flatspot Records. Jiveomb continue Flatspot's unparalled run of hardcore releases in recent years, coming out the gate with their sample-laden demo. Their sound is fast and ferocious, with bursts of noise occassionally coming through their raw, power chord heavy attack. It's hardcore in its purest form, that scratches the same itch that something like Negative Approach does. Highly recommended, enjoy!
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Feverchild are a five-piece emo/post-hardcore band from Ghent, Belgium that have been active since 2021. Following their self-titled debut EP, they put out their first full-length earlier this year. Had I heard this band without knowing that, I'd guess that this came out 20 years earlier. The band wears their influences on their sleeves, taking notes from all the great emo acts of the 90's, including Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas Is The Reason, Christie Front Drive, Elliott, the usual suspects. That's not to say they're purely derivative, as they do blend the varied array of sounds from that era into one seamless sound. Heavier riffs breaking up the clean, meandering arpeggios, which gives them a viscera not always found in modern iterations of the genre. Add in an acoustic cut for variety, and Altering A Memory is one of the most solid albums from this corner of the genre to come out this year. Enjoy.
Monday, 27 November 2023
Annabel are a four-piece emo/indie/punk band from Akron, Ohio that formed in 2005. Since then, they've released three full-lengths, two EP's, and two fantastic splits with other essential emo revival bands. Speaking of which, this post is insanely overdue, as Annabel were one of the many noteworthy bands from that era. They put out albums with both Count Your Lucky Stars and Tiny Engines, if that's any indication of where they're coming from sonically. The band utilized bright, clean guitars kicking out chords and noodles over a pounding rhythm section and soaring vocals. If you're a fan of bands like You Blew It!, Dowsing, or Everyone Everywhere, you either already know them or absolutely need to. Enjoy.
Spirit Desire
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Last Days Of August
Watership Down
Dispensing Of False Halos
Chemical Fix