Saturday, 28 July 2018

Oh My God Elephant

I found this little ditty while perusing through the archives, and had completely forgotten what a solid EP this one. I don't know much about the band or its history, but they're a four-piece emo/indie project called Oh My God Elephant, from Wayland, Massachusetts, and they were active from sometime between 2005 and 2007, I'm not exactly sure. They only put out one EP, which of Kinsella-esque emo, with clean, twinkly guitars, melodic chords, and boyish shouts as vocals. Their members would later be active in other bands such as Rainbow Tornado, Clarissa Explains It All, and Bishop. Enjoy.

1. Rascal The Cat
2. Dan Dan Dan Dan
3. Evan Tuckerman
4. Lincoln
5. Broken Finger Tippies


  1. a couple more eps of theirs at

    love these guys

  2. Rainbow Tornado = the same band, just different name for the full length

    <~ Mike Lindquist (drummer of OMGE) posting here

    1. What's the story behind the band and stuff I'd love to interview yall or or just get some context

    2. Ummm, IDK a good way to put together a ‘story’ of the band. An interview would be rad and I’m totally down, best way to reach me is probably DMing my Instagram (kitty666cats)

  3. Wish these guys would get back together for like a reunion or something but I get it if not since they're all probably doing some other shiz. Probably my favorite band in the Midwest Emo scene so far though.

  4. these guys are so good i love them with all my heart
