As we bring another year to a close, I've got to give some recognition to a long-awaited band to be featured here (which seems to mostly be this month's theme). Thanks again for a great year, we actually did over 100 posts this year, which hasn't happened in a long time. Admittedly my passion for keeping up with blog does wane from time to time, but I would never abandon it completely. It's been such an integral part of my life for over a decade now that I could never part ways with it, and do still love doing this when the mood strikes. I don't think I'd revisit as many bands I used to listen to or be on the prowl for new projects quite as much if it weren't for this blog, which I ultimately have to give it credit for. It's kept me active in something for a longer period of time than I ever imagined it doing (as one commentator pointed out, it's rare for anyone to stick to something for over 10 years of their life, which still baffles me that it's been this long). It means a lot to me to stay connected to this, so I do have to thank the people who continue to come back here after all these years for that. I'd still be doing this regardless, but to continue reaching an audience to share this with is a major factor in the desire to keep it going. So thank you again, and I will wrap up this long-winded self-import ramble by saying Happy New Year, and enjoy!

Planes Mistaken For Stars were a four-piece post-hardcore band that formed in Peoria, Illinois in 1997. Shortly after, they relocated to Denver, Colorado in 1999. The band self-released their debut in 1998, which was reissued by Deep Elm Records the next year. This was followed up by an incredible split with The Appleseed Cast and Race Car Riot, also released by Deep Elm, and two EPs put out by Dim Mak Records (Steve Aoki's label, another cool reminder of his involvement in the hardcore scene early on in his career). They released three more albums during their initial run, which ended in early 2008. They quickly reunited, and were back by 2010, which their first new album in 10 years being released in 2016 by Deathwish. Tragically, founding member and vocalist/guitarist Gared O'Donnell passed away in 2021. Prior to his passing, the band did complete another album, which is set to be released at some point in the future, and would also mark the finality of this incredible project.
This band has evolved a ton over the years, managing to exist somewhere in an intersectional sweet spot between hardcore, emo, rock and metal. You'd be hard-pressed to find a band that singularly encompasses such a wide sonic palette with the same level of vigor and finesse as Planes Mistaken For Stars. Just to give you a quick surface-level rundown, their earlier work is rooted in a punk-emo hybrid, sort of akin to bands like Hot Water Music and Small Brown Bike. There's a raw, driving energy to it, but with a vulnerable and often melodic backdrop in play. Though never a band I would describe as "simplistic", their technical prowess did become more prominent as the years went on, with their varied influences piling on alongside of it. They kind of went in the opposite direction that most bands do, become increasingly heavier and more experimental. Having said that, they still weren't shy about bringing in slower, acoustic elements well into their later years, and always wore their love for straight up rock n roll on their sleeve. If you're new to this band, I honestly think the best way to delve into their discography is to go from the start and work your way forward (Planes Mistaken For Stars > Fuck With Fire > Up In Them Guts > Mercy > Prey), though you could easily inverse that order and work your way back as well. My personal favourite album is probably Mercy, though that's a fairly interchangeable stance. Definitely give this band a shot if you haven't heard them before, I think they're right up the alley for people interested in the general niche of music that this blog covers. Again, enjoy!
1. Copper And Stars
2. Division
3. The Time It Took
4. The Past Two
5. Somewhere In September
6. Standing Still Fast
7. Knuckle Hungry
8. Where The Arrow Went Out
1. Planes Mistaken For Stars - Staggerswallowswell
2. Race Car Riot - Broken
3. Race Car Riot - Raincheck
4. Race Car Riot - Racing California
5. The Appleseed Cast - Tale Of The Aftermath
6. The Appleseed Cast - Remedios The Beautiful
1. Fucking Fight
2. The Part You Left Out
1. Scratching Rounds
2. Leaning The Room
3. Pillbox
4. Anthem
5. 66 Crush
1. Leveless
2. End Me In Richmond
3. Funeral For A Friend
4. Hollowpoint And Whiskey
5. Bloody But Unbowed
6. Fuck With Fire
7. Rhythm Dies
8. Sicilian Smile
9. I'll See You In Hell
10. Get Burned
14. Police Story/Wasted
1. Thunder In The Night Forever! (We Ride To Fight) 2. Earning Ire
3. Bastards

1. To All Mothers
2. Belly Full Of Hell
3. Glassing
4. Dying By Degrees
5. Pigs
6. Dancing On The Face Of The Panther
7. Say Not A Word
8. No Prize Fighter
9. Spring Divorce
10. A Six Inch Valley
11. Bastards
12. The Last Winter Dance Party
1. One Fucked Pony
2. Crooked Mile
3. Widow: A Love Song
4. Keep Your Teeth
5. To Spit A Sparrow
6. Never Felt Prettier
7. Killed By Killers Who Kill Each Other
8. Little Death
9. Church Date
10. Mercy
11. Penitience
1. Copper And Stars
2. Divison
3. The Time It Took
4. The Past Two
5. Somewhere In September
6. Standing Still Fast
7. Knuckle Hungry
8. Where The Arrow Went Out
9. Staggerswallowswell
10. Fucking Fight
11. The Part You Left Out
12. Scratching Rounds
13. Leaning The Room
14. Pillbox
15. Anthem
16. 66 Crush
17. Fall On Proverb
18. Wasted
19. Police Story
20. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
21. Depression
22. Thunder In The Night (We Ride To Fight!)
23. Earning Ire
24. Bastards
1. Dementia Americana
2. Til' It Clicks
3. Riot Season
4. Fucking Tenderness
5. She Who Steps
6. Clean Up Mean
7. Black Rabbit
8. Pan In Flames
9. Enemy Blinds
10. Alabaster Cello