Thanks to Samuel from
Old Scarf Avenue (check them out) for the request.
Ape Up! are a four-piece punk/emo band from Boston, Massachusetts and are signed to Count Your Lucky Stars. The drummer in this band used to drum for Algernon Cadwallader, and I don't know if this band has any other alumni other bands. But whatever, these guys are awesome on their own. They fuse "twinkly" guitar stylings with gruff punk vocals and energy, kind of similar to Algernon, Snowing, Glocca Morra, or Sirs, but slightly more aggressive. Ape Up! are a great band, definitely check them out. Enjoy.
1. Two Tickets To Stink Town
2. Not Quite There Yet
3. Traditions
4. Don't Call Me That In Public
5. Rudich Ranch
1. Chinchillin'
2. No Troy
Note: Track 1 is from Short Attention Span, track 2 is from 75:24
1. Nothing Serious
2. No Troy
3. 1(800) WILD-DAD
4. Honey Scoots
5. Drainbow
6. When I Was The Good Guy
7. Kemosabe
8. Sorry All Over The Place
9. Tejas
Hi Kevin , can You re upload the last album ? thanks