Black Love are a post-hardcore band from Montreal, Quebec that formed in 2011. One of the most noteworthy things about this band is how hard they are to pin down in terms of sound. For one, they (presumably) take their name from an Afghan Whigs album, and that influence does creep into their sound. Their early material reminds me of Hot Water Music for some reason, mostly because of the vocals and pummeling energy they've got going. Black Love have a bunch of very technical riffs going on, and a lot of lead guitar parts, which is a unique feature for "post-hardcore" as a whole. Their full-length is a bit of a departure from that, with that HWM pumping sound being replaced by a sparse, post-rock influence and a much darker atmosphere with some desperately screamed vocals. As much as I try to stick a tag on them, it still doesn't properly reflect what they have going on. Black Love are a phenomenal band that I highly recommend if you're looking for something new and unique, but with an odd familiarity to it. Enjoy.

1. Altar
2. Chinaman and Malays
1. Summertime / Chinamen & Malays
2. Black Baby Jesus
3. Altar
4. Graduation
1. The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch - Coyotes
2. The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch - Music Cowboys
3. Black Love - The Appalachian
4. Black Love - Motorboats and Waterfalls
1. Corps Étranger
2. Black Baby Jesus
3. Becker's Leitmotif
4. Libertines
5. L'Insoutenable Légèretè De Sauce
6. Ø
7. La Fois Que Le Spot Est Passé Au Feu
Anybody know their handle on twitter, assuming they have one?