
Saturday 19 August 2023

Growing Fins

Growing Fins are a four-piece emo band from Toronto, Ontario that formed in 2015. Thus far, they've released two fantastic EP's, with their most recent being a self-titled release that came out in the summer of 2021. This band plays an energetic, heavily math rock-inspired style of midwest emo, with some frenzied fretwork and some gruff yet melodic vocals that often push into screamo territory. If you're a fan of bands including Gulfer, Macseal, You Blew It!, Tiny Moving Parts, or 1994! you should absolutely check out Growing Fins. Their self-titled EP in particular is incredible, and the rambunctious opener "Ogilvie" and epic finale of "...and then I hotboxed my washroom." are worth the price of admission alone. Enjoy.

1. Pizza Elbow
2. The Party Planning Comittee
3. Scotland

1. Ogilvie
2. Highway To Heck
3. Caelin's House
4. Yikes (Pt. 1)
5. Pronounced Liked Nikes (Pt. 2)
6. ...and then I hotboxed my washroom

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