
Sunday 20 August 2023

Get Fucked

Get Fucked were a short-lived five-piece hardcore/screamo project based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They only released one album, a self-titled record in 2004 via Level Plane Records. This project comprised of members from a ton of other notable bands, including Welcome The Plague Year, Neil Perry, Lickgoldensky, Tornado Of Knives, and more. Sonically, this is insanely noisy, dissonant hardcore played at an assaulting volume. It's a solid yet overlooked entry in the Level Plane roster, and is definitely worth giving a shot, particularly if you're a fan of Das Oath or pg.99, as a loose point of reference. Enjoy.

1. Inside The 8lb. Dorm Fire
2. Recipe For Patio Pieces
3. Exciting Irish Nativity
4. Horticulture; Nature's Alien
5. Installation Frenzy
6. Tires, Tires, Globally
7. It's A Petites And Juniors
8. Spactacular Action


  1. Salut, merci. Superbe trouvaille.

