
Tuesday 6 November 2018


itoldyouiwouldeatyou are a 7-piece indie/punk/emo band from London, England that began in 2014. Following a string of singles and EP's, the band are finally gearing up to release their debut album, Oh Dearism this month. They've built a solid following through their charismatic sound, which blends the bright, twinkly guitars of midwestern emo with the energetic sensibilities of pop punk fused with some heavy lyrical depth. Sonically, they can be compared to bands like Say Anything, Joyce Manor, Mom Jeans., Brave Bird, Free Throw, and Midwest Pen Pals, or something along those lines. The two singles already released from their LP, "Gold Rush" and "Get Terrified" are fan-fucking-tastic, and hopefully a good indication of what a good and unique album it will be. It might be a little premature to say, but this band is probably going to blow up (as they have been rapidly for a while now). They're a new, fresh, talented and positive voice for the "scene" (take that as you will), and I'm not nothing but excited to see how far they're going to go. Enjoy.

1. Annabel Allum - What Do You Even Do All Day?
2. itoldyouiwouldeatyou - Foxes
3. itoldyouiwouldeatyou - Learning From American Mistakes
4. Annabel Allum - Tricks

1. All Unwritten Classics
2. Attention

1. For Starters
2. All Unwritten Classics
3. Learning From American Mistakes
4. Asking Directions
5. Word & Object

1. Elsie Shutt

1. Off Brand
2. Get Out Of Bed
3. All That Noise
4. Less Now
5. Letters

1. Get Terrified
2. Divine Violence
3. Mourn
4. NALA - Off Brand

1. Earl, King, Whatever
2. Gold Rush
3. Young American
4. Almost Zero
5. Gathering Things Together and Not Dividing Them
6. Get Terrified
7. Craiglockheart
8. Greek Fire
9. Goodbye To All That

1 comment:

  1. Perfect Love casteth away ALL fear, terrified of what? I'll tell you what I'm terrified of is God Almighty the One and Only True Living God the One in the beginning who Created the Heavens and the earth not the those powers and principalities of any of them Spirits that are in possession of those many anti-christ walking around, they have NO POWER, NO AUTHORITY, OR JURISDICTION over the kingdom of God I created and made and formed in Love and given in Love, to me and bigger is Him in me than All them walking around and faith with confidence is a mountain mover and cause water to be walked on even in the most troubling waters what's there to fear Words, Weapons, Cameras, Hunger, being broke., tortured, microphones, death of the flesh? Temporary suffering for eternity without it weighed it but did not have to and the obvious choice is you can spell it with words you like to you, oh and the sting of death has no victory1, the war is won just trying to help battle those in the ones walking around lost maybe bring th1em into the pool/fold/or pastures where the living waters are not the faucets in the den of thieves. I've made my choice the acceptable time is now make yours be mindful and wary of them choices chosen with the Spirits and Wills that God created that run the flesh you wear for if not forgiven of the wrong ones made when time is up and God Judges the Spirit and Soul stained and blotted that offended One of His little ones listen ITS BETTER TO TIE A MILL STONE AROUND THEIR NECKS AND BE THROWN INTO THE DEEP, REALIZE HE CREATED TOMENT AND THE LAKE OF FIRE FOR THOSE THAT DONT CHOOSE TO LOVE HIM FIRST AND OTHERS AS THEIRSELF AND GUESS WHAT ONLY HE CAN SEND YOU TO WHERE YOU GO ETERNALLY SO YOU TELL ME WHATS TO BE TERIFFIED OF? GOD ALMIGHTY THE BEGINNING AND THE END, THE FIRST AND LAS, AND THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF MY FAITH, WHAT ABOUT YOUR?
