
Thursday 9 June 2016

Night Birds

Night Birds are a four-piece punk band from New Jersey that formed in 2009. They take a lot of influence from surf rock, which makes for a fun-yet-thrashed punk experience. From their debut EP to their latest full-length, Mutiny At Muscle Beach, Night Birds can do no wrong. Without a doubt they're one of my personal favourite punk bands around, and have been incredibly consistent with good material. They do what they do without a fuck about anything else to give, and it translates to some straight-up badass music. Every song keeps you on the edge of your seat with high-strung energy and catchy hooks to boot. Not to mention they're the greatest live band ever. Just grab all their shit below, especially their three full-lengths. Enjoy.

1. Prognosis: Negative
2. Thrilling Murder
3. Unanswerable
4. The Gift Givers
5. Harbor Rats

1. Midnight Movies
2. No Way Home
3. Bad Biology
4. Triple Feature

1. Fresh Kills
2. Midnight Movies
3. No Way Home
4. Bad Biology
5. Triple Feature
6. Prognosis: Negative
7. Thrilling Murder
8. Unanswerable
9. The Gift Givers
10. Harbor Rats
11. Send Me Home
12. Living In The Middle
13. Can't Get Clean
14. Paranoid Times
15. Squad Car

1. Demon Haunted World
2. Neon Gray
3. Born Of Man And Woman
4. Landfill Land
5. One Eye
6. The Other Side Of Darkness
7. Day After Trinity
8. Hoffman Lens
9. Sex Tape
10. Failed Species
11. Can't Get Clean
12. Paranoid Times
13. Oblivious

1. Maimed For The Masses
2. Barred Out
3. Last Gasp
4. Boat Trash

1. Escape From New York
2. Born To Die In Suburbia
3. Modern Morons
4. Domestic Dispute
5. No Spoilers
6. Ads In My Eyes
7. Nazi Gold
8. Silver Alert
9. Pretty Poison
10. Villa Obscura
11. Maimed For The Masses
12. New Cults
13. Less The Merrier
14. Golden Opportunity

1. Unavoidable Filth
2. Agent Zero
3. Pyongyang Bound
4. Hope For The Best (Expect The Worst)

1. (I'm) Wired
2. Life Is Not Amusement For Me
3. Blank Eyes
4. Lapsed Catholics Need Discipline
5. In The Red/In The Black
6. Golden Age Of TV
7. Mutiny At Muscle Beach
8. Son Of Dad
9. Off The Grid
10. King Kong
11. Miskatonic Stomp
12. Left In The Middle

1. Demon Haunted World
2. One Eye
3. Oblivious
4. Born of Man and Woman
5. Thrilling Murder
6. Day After Trinity

1. Pull The String
2. Onward To Obscurity
3. My Dad Is The BTK
4. I Need A Torch
5. The Day I Beat My Brain
6. White Noise Machine
7. Radium Girls
8. Roll Credits