
Tuesday 13 February 2024


Closure were a five-piece screamo/emo band from Rockville Center, New York that were active sometime in late 90's, most likely 1996-1997. Unsurprisingly, their output is very limited, consisting of one compilation track, a split (with the fantastic Breakwater), and a sole LP, their essential release. They masterfully use loud/quiet dynamics, with wiry and angular guitar leads cutting through hard-hitting chords and pounding rhythms, with a scathing vocal delivery. If you're into bands like Portraits Of Past or Four Hundred Years, this underrated gem will be of massive appeal to you. If you need any coercing, they were also they were tangentially related to Saetia back in the day, playing shows together and sharing a label (The Mountain C.I.A. put out both bands self-titled releases).  Enjoy.

1. Closure - Servant To Silence
2. Closure - The Children's Crusade
3. Breakwater - Eleven

4. The Trial

1. K.M.
2. Sebastian
3. Silhouetted
4. Inferno
5. Time Off
6. Untitled

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