
Wednesday 25 March 2015


Apart were a five-piece screamo/hardcore band from Greenville, South Carolina, that existed from 2010 to 2013. They were signed to Mayfly Records during their time. They are often described as mixing contemporary melodic hardcore with older screamo influence, and I think that's pretty accurate. They are incredibly passionate in their delivery, with some very melodic guitar parts, but piercing vocal delivery. They shred themselves through each song, making comparisons to bands as different as More Than Life or Loma Prieta warranted. To namedrop a few other comparisons, Caravels, State Faults, Beau Navire, and We Were Skeletons might be adequate. Their album Gray Light is really, really good, and I suggest giving it a try to any fan of the aforementioned bands. Not to mention it has some amazing production work on it. Enjoy.

1. Make Not A Single Sound Amongst Saints
2. The Wild And Outraged Earth
3. A House Of Many Windows
4. The Frailty Of Everything
5. Now Call Down Your Dark and Your Cold, and be Damned

1. Play on, soft pipes
2. The Best 8 Words

1. Carolina Cold
2. Two Lane Blacktop
3. Play On, Soft Pipes
4. Candles and Calendars
5. Sick of Sunlight
6. Blindfolds
7. Gray Light
8. Dead Air

1. Worth Remembering
2. Suffer In Rhythm
3. Martin
4. Oak Island
5. Untitled
6. Second Best (Pedro The Lion cover)


  1. Love Is Not Enough:

    Contains alternate recordings of "Suffer in Rhythm" and "Worth Remembering" . Worth the download if you really enjoyed these dudes.

  2. this band was pretty good. however, they had pre orders for shirts, then they never shipped after they broke up. they never refunded anyone nor said a word which would have been ok. but they never responded to anyone questioning where their orders are. real shitty move. doesnt have to do with their music but i'd rather not listen to a band of shitty people, nor would i want anyone to support theft.

  3. If i'm right, they used to be Miles Apart before taking off the Miles, right? If so, I have a few older releases. I think one is a compilation of old songs, and one is a EP. If anyone want them, hit me up!

    1. you are right! could you send those to me? :)
