
Thursday 24 July 2014

Brave Bird

Brave Bird are a three-piece indie/emo band from Ann Arbor, Michigan that formed in 2010 and (sadly) broke up in 2014. They had the whole "twinkly midwest emo" (a la Grown Ups, Snowing, etc.) sound going on, but at the same time were very distinct. The guitar is very technically and math rock-like, but actually create distinct melodies (kind of like American Football) instead of just playing unnecessarily complex things to achieve the "twinkly" sound. Their songs are so catchy, especially for their niche of music. They write choruses that need to be sung along to, and their bass lines act as chord progressions that make every song feel new (they even have a very pop-like sound on their final EP). Each member is very technically inept with their respective instrument, and the way they play off of each other is astounding. They just know how to create some really good songs, I don't know what else can be said. Oh, and their vocals sound like Jesse Lacey (Brand New). They have two singers, and they actually both kind of share a similar vocal tone to him, if he fronted a midwest emo band. Anyways, here's their entire discography. Enjoy!

1. Scared Enough
2. Healthy
3. The Worst Things Happen To Me
4. Tired Enough
5. See You Next Year

1. It's My Pride That I Swallow

1. Too Late Now
2. Scared Enough
3. Healthy
4. Tired Enough
5. (Thick Skin) Should I Give In
6. Whittle Down The Days
7. The Worst Things Happen To Me
8. Get Over What's Right
9. Maybe You, No One Else Worth It
10. I'll See You At The Ring Of Fire
11. It's My Pride That I Swallow

1. Too Late Now
2. Scared Enough
3. Healthy
4. Whittle Down The Days
5. Tired Enough
6. The Worst Things Happen To Me
7. Maps (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
8. Should I Give In
9. It's My Pride That I Swallow
10. Maybe You, No One Else Worth It
11. I'll See You At The Ring Of Fire
12. Make Time In Due Time
13. Get Over What's Right
14. Secrets
15. I Was Never Your Boyfriend (Tigers Jaw)
16. We Will Make It Home

1. I Don't Wanna Know
2. Rekindle
4. Hard Enough
5. Open Up Your Mouth
6. Macaroni Time
7. Killer Velocity


  1. Thanks to post this band, i love this guys! <3

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of the members is connected to I Kill Giants. What I'm trying to say is you whould look up for I Kill Giants, they are great! Thanks for all the work by the way!
