
Tuesday 21 August 2012

Single Mothers

Single Mothers are a 5-piece punk/post-hardcore/indie? band from London, Ontario (Canada) who have been around since 2009. They've been garnering a lot of attention lately, partially because of their affiliation with Secret Voices (Jeremy Bolm's [Touché Amoré] label, they're the first band he signed), but mostly because of how fucking badass they are. They recently played Sound & Fury and they're going to be touring with Title Fight and Pianos Become The Teeth later this year (Get stoked).

Single Mothers are a very interesting band. They've got the energy and attitude of punk/hardcore in excess, and are able to apply that to both melodic and aggressive sounds. They can entwine frenzied, pummelling assaults with melodic lines and everything in between. They're quite ambitious, integrating classic rock riffs, dark acoustic guitar parts, and reverb-laden tones, to name a few. Yet they don't seem to be unnecessarily straying from their core sound. It just works, all the while being backed by some tight bass and drumming. Another integral and defining aspect of their sound is vocalist and presumably lyricist Andrew Thomson. His vocals are gruff and often teeter between speaking and singing. His delivery/phrasing/lyrical style is insanely reminiscent of Craig Finn (The Hold Steady). He's also like an anthemic, catchy, and aggressive Dan Smith (Listener) or Aaron Weiss (mewithoutYou). If you can imagine those guys spitting in your face, that kind of sums him up. Instead of whining about wooden hearts and seatbelt hands or poorly-knit sweaters, foxes, and spiders, he goes for topics ranging from girls, to drinking, to drunk girls (I'm only semi-joking here). As stupid as that may sound, he conveys them in a strangely honest and well-written way. I'd suggest reading them for yourself, they're quite good. I'd suggest just listening to this band, they're fucking great. Voilà:

1. Nice Dresses
2. Runaways
3. Heaven (For The Weekend)
4. Motorbikes And Epitaphs

Note: This was remixed and remastered in 2012. I have the original mixes too if you're interested in them.

1. Christian Girls
2. Hell (Is My Backup Plan)
3. Winter Coats
4. Baby

1. Overdose
2. Marbles
3. Womb
4. Half-Lit
5. Feel Shame
6. Crooks
7. Patricide
8. Ketamine
9. Blood Pressure
10. Money

1. Meltdown
2. City slicker
3. Idiomatic
4. Everybody cool
5. Slow reader

1. East Van Band Van
2. Night School

1. Undercover
2. High Speed
3. Long Distance
4. A-Ok
5. People Are Pets
6. Bile
7. Leash
8. Well-Wisher
9. Rollercoaster
10. Bolt Cutters

1. Skylight
2. Army Green

1. Marathon
2. 24/7
3. Dog Parks
4. Switch Off
5. Catch & Release
6. Engine
7. Stoic Pointless
8. Web
9. Across The The Couch
10. Big Scar
11. -
12. Tan Line (Like Passing Through A Wall)
13. Signs
14. Evidence Locker

1. Metropolis

1. Cancer Bats - Dog Parks / Switch Off (Single Mothers cover)
2. Single Mothers - Road Sick (Cancer Bats cover)

1. Nihilist Headlights

1. Turbulence

1. Enough For You
2. Nausea
3. O-Zone
4. Throw
5. Soak
6. Baby Bird
7. Things
8. Too Many Choices
9. Anytime Anything

1. Head Shrunk
2. Sad Dumb Game
3. Lottery
4. Quincy
5. (Moonlight) On Sunset
6. James Gandolfini
7. Inquisitor
8. Airsick
9. Roy
10. Forest Fire



  1. Dude, hilarious. ^

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  6. Do you have the new version of Through A Wall?

  7. would love a re-up on the expired links!!
