
Saturday 26 November 2016

Born Against

Born Against were a four-piece hardcore band from New York City that formed in 1989 and broke up in 1993. Their two constant members were vocalist Sam McPheeters and guitarist Adam Nathanson, while the roles of drummer and bassist kept changing. Without a doubt, Born Against and are one the best and most influential bands in hardcore. They helped transition the genre from the straight-forward assault of the 80's to the more experimental nature of the 90's. Born Against were also known for their strong leftist political ethics. McPheeters' lyrics are just as assaultive as their music, and their agenda is often presented in a satirical way that just can't be ignored. Below are their two full-lengths and a compilation of all their other material. Enjoy.

1. Mount The Pavement
2. Shroud
3. By The Throat
4. Nine Years Later
5. Test Pattern
6. Mary & Child
7. Jock Gestapo
8. Organ Of Hope
9. Well Fed Fuck

1. Murder The Sons Of Bitches
2. Mt. Dew
3. Footbound & Hobbled
4. This Trash Should've Been Free
5. Poland
6. Sendero
7. Set Your A.M. Dial For White Empowerment
8. Intermission
9. Born Against Are Fucking Dead
10. A Whopper Of A Tale

1. Neil
2. The Good Father
3. Mary And Child
4. Eulogy
5. Riding With Mary
6. The Nail That Sticks Up Gets Hammered Down
7. Resist Control
8. Half Mast
9. Xmas Eve
10. Nine Years Later
11. Born Again
12. Born Again/Witness To A Rape
13. Well Fed Fuck
14. Body Counts
15. Alive With Pleasure
16. Movin' On Up
17. I Am A Idiot
18. Bit Part In A Movie
19. Lillian
20. Janelle
21. Go Fuck Yourself
22. Albany Academy
23. Wearing A Lampshape
24. Five Dollars An Hour
25. My Favorite Housing Project


  1. love this band. saw them. what would be awesome would be a (Young) Pioneers discography. That would rule. thanks for this?

  2. love the blog! please update your post on Swain, formerly This Routine is Hell. their new album is title The Long Dark Blue and its good stuff.

  3. Legends. Here is an old interview with the singer Sam McPheeters

  4. Please,do the men's recovery project discography
